"There are no known clinical side effects specifically arising from the use of hyperflexion, however there are serious concerns for a horse's well-being if the technique is not practiced correctly. The FEI condemns hyperflexion in any equestrian sport as an example of mental abuse. The FEI states that it does not support the practice." Wie gaat nu van zichzelf beweren dat hij het niet "correctly practices"?
In dit onderzoek werd gekeken naar een aantal mythes rond de rollkur, zoals "ze willen zelf liefst zo lopen", of "ze schrikken minder", of "ze worden er gehoorzamer van".
Conclusie: "horses show higher levels of discomfort when ridden in a coercively obtained Rollkur posture compared to regular poll flexion, and that they will avoid being ridden in Rollkur if given the choice." Duh!