Toen ik net over dit onderzoek las, was m'n eerste gedachte "sommige onderzoekers hebben tijd teveel". Maar cognitief is het wel belangrijk natuurlijk, of muizen iets abstracts als muziek belangrijk genoeg vinden om er iets voor te willen doen. Voor mensen is het namelijk wel een secundaire bekrachtiger, natuurlijk - hoe de link zit naar primaire bekrachtiger vis ik wel eens uit.
Discriminative and reinforcing stimulus properties of music for rats (2008 - Otsukaa, Yanagia, Watanabe):
"We trained rats to discriminate music by Bach from that by Stravinsky using operant conditioning. The rats successfully learned the discrimination and transferred their discrimination to novel music by the same artists. Then, we trained rats on concurrent-chain schedule in which the terminal links were associated with different music, Bach or Stravinsky. The rats did not show strong preference for either style of music, although one subject showed a preference for Bach and another subject preferred Stravinsky. Finally, we examined the validity of the concurrent-chain procedure as a method of preference measurement with conspecific vocalization evoked by an aversive experience. Most of the rats preferred white noise to the conspecific vocalization. Therefore, music has a discriminative stimulus property but not a clear reinforcing property for rats"